Welcome to Sensory Island

Sensory Island is an Institution of Toby Onubogu Foundation that aims to provide an inclusive sensory playtime for all children, with a special emphasis on children with special needs. We find joy in seeing happy and lively children with autism whose lives are changed for the better because of the support of others.

On the other hand, the Toby Onubogu Foundation helps kids and young adults with autism and their loved ones better cope with everyday life, creating an environment where they are comfortable and can be themselves. Our Institution is determined and dedicated to finding ways to brighten the lives of all people, with special emphasis on the differently abled.

  • children smiling
  • children blowing a kiss
  • children celebrating
  • young girl playing with blocks
  • infants playing with blocks
  • woman with young girl playing with blocks

We Are Committed Our Mission


Sensory Island’s goal is to better the mental and physical health of families through sensory experiences. The child with autism, family, and friends can all leave happier and healthier than they came.

About Us

You're Important to Us

Let's Get Started

Here are various ways where you can create a positive impact on our special kids’ lives.

woman with children signing thumbs up

Support Our Advocacy

young girl carrying a box of donations

Make a Donation

volunteer and young boy sitting down

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woman and a girl painting

Sponsor a Child

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